Author Archives: operator
Weekly Tunes 20160812
Epic primitive sine synth
Weekly Tunes 20170803
Game, maybe?
Weekly Tunes 20170729
Live arrangement with someone drilling around. Gosh.
Solely produced on OP-1.
Weekly Tunes 160723_a
first time with new recorded, synth&mixed completely on OP-1.
Either on or off.
This minimalist circuit board generates digital audio in its simplest form | The Verge matte-black circuit board that holds Tristan Perich’s Noise Patterns has a few things in common with your average smartphone. It’s small and sleek enough to fit into your pocket, and it comes…
Completely digital. #RandomInternetGoodieBag
The operators weekly tune
A tune a week and still a geek. Stay tune.
Weekly Tunes 20160710
As usual future? solely produced on Korg Gadget.
Weekly Tunes 20160704
synth/rec/mixed solely on op-1